IB Biology (HL and SL)

Specification link

The course specification can be accessed here – IB Biology 

Course description

The Biology syllabus comprises of four themes, each made up of two concepts. Each theme is a lens through which the syllabus content is viewed. The aim of the syllabus is to integrate concepts, topic content and the nature of science through inquiry.  

Unity and Diversity – water, DNA, cells, evolution and conservation

Form and function – carbohydrates, proteins, membranes, gas exchange, transport, adaptation to the environment

Interaction and interdependence enzymes, respiration, photosynthesis, immunity, populations 

Continuity and change – DNA replication, protein synthesis, reproduction, homeostasis, climate change. 

Taught using discursive techniques, you will become familiar at reading articles, discussing biological themes and sharing your ideas. A practical course, you will develop key laboratory skills to prepare you for studying Science at university. Both Higher and Standard Level Biology courses cover the same content. However, Higher level students will study some content in more detail and will learn additional topics such as viruses, muscles and gene expression.  

All Sixth Form biologists attend a field trip in the L6 Summer Term to Pembrokeshire. During the field trip you will learn the ecology component of the course and complete your Biology Internal assessment (IA). The IA contributes to 20% of your final mark and is a scientific investigation that you complete.  

Historical Results 

  College Average Biology Average 
2019 6.3 6.3 6.2 6.5 
2022 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.7 
2023 6.1 6.0 6.2 6.1 

Assessment Structure

The course is assessed through three final exams and the individual assessment as shown below- 

 Weighting and time 
Standard Level Higher Level 
Paper 1 
Paper 1A – multiple choice questions 
Paper 1B – Data based questions 
1 hour 30 minutes 
2 hours 
Paper 2 
Section A – Data based and short answer questions 
Section B – Extended response questions 
1 hour 30 minutes 
2 hours 30 minutes 
Individual assessment 20 20 

Potential careers

Biology is essential preparation for those considering careers as doctors, dentists, vets, biochemists, botanists, ecologists, zoologists. Biology degrees can also lead into a huge range of other careers. The following link provides some information-

Royal Society of Biology careers page

Contact for more information

Mrs A Edmunds: AGE@wellingtoncollege.org.uk