
Welcome to the subject choices site.

The aim of this site is to provide supplementary information for Wellington College pupils and parents to make decisions about the subjects that they would like to pursue throughout the academic study.

There are two main stages in the academic journey when pupils and parents make subject choices. The first is in the Third Form when pupils choose GCSE subjects for study in the middle school. The second is in the Fifth form when pupils choose between A Levels and the IB diploma for their Sixth form choices and which subjects to study within those two curricula.

Upper School Subject Choices

The process for making decisions about A Level or IB subjects starts in November of the Fifth Form.

The Upper School choices page has more information on making decisions for the Upper School. The page includes links to the subject choice video and the subject choice booklet. More information on specific subjects can be found in the department pages including a video about each subject. These pages can also be accessed via the menu at the top of this page.

GCSE Subject Choices

The process for making GCSE subject choices starts in February of the third form. The GCSE choices page contains more information and resources including a link to the subject choices booklet. Further subject-specific information can be found in the department pages.